Exciting New Feature – Adding Photos to Patient Feedback Surveys

Selfie 1

We’re delighted to bring you news about an exciting new feature available on our Patient Experience Feedback Programs.

When your patients just can’t find the words to express how over the moon they are about their results, now they can actually show you.

The brand new “Photo Upload Facility” allows patients to attach a picture when completing their survey response. These might be images of post-treatment outcomes or happy patient lifestyle shots (e.g. selfies) etc.

INSIGHT clients who currently use their Access Portal to review individual survey responses, can then download the photo and retain it in their patient files or potentially use it in your social media marketing (subject to industry regulation).

JPG and JPEG file types can be uploaded.

Note: This new feature is available at no additional cost on all our online Patient Experience Programs.


Please contact us if you’d like to discuss adding a Photo Upload to your patient survey questionnaire.