What do patients want when looking for an aesthetic surgeon?

A portrait of a medical assistant while an operation takes place in the background.

When faced with attributes like reputation, years in practice, testimonials, photos, and pricing, which is more valuable? Moreover, are attributes procedure-specific? Currently, inadequate evidence exists on which attributes are most important to patients, and to our knowledge, none on procedure-specific preferences.


First, to determine the most important attributes to breast augmentation, combined breast/abdominal surgery, and facelift patients using conjoint analysis. Second, to test the conjoint using an internet crowdsourcing service (Amazon Mechanical Turk [MTurk]).


Anonymous university members were asked, via mass electronic survey, to pick a surgeon for facelift surgery based on five attributes. Attribute importance and preference was calculated. Once pre-tested, the facelift, breast augmentation and combined breast/abdominal surgery surveys were administered worldwide to MTurk.


The university facelift cohort valued testimonials (33.9%) as the most important, followed by photos (31.6%), reputation (18.2%), pricing (14.4%), and practice years (1.9%). MTurk breast augmentation participants valued photos (35.3%), then testimonials (33.9%), reputation (15.7%), pricing (12.2%), and practice years (3%). MTurk combined breast/abdominal surgery and facelift participants valued testimonials (38.3% and 38.1%, respectively), then photos (27.9%, 29.4%), reputation (17.5%, 15.8%), pricing (13.9%, 13.9%), practice years (2.4%, 2.8%).


Breast augmentation patients placed higher importance on photos; combined breast/abdominal surgery and facelift patients valued testimonials. Conjoint analysis has had limited application in plastic surgery. To our knowledge, internet crowdsourcing is a novel participant recruitment method in plastic surgery. Its unique benefits include broad, diverse and anonymous participant pools, low-cost, rapid data collection, and high completion rate.


Your Front Desk’s Role in Marketing


August 2016

Great article by Goldman Marketing Group.

Marketing a doctor’s office can take on many forms. Almost everyone starts by creating a website. Then you have print marketing, public relations, video marketing, social media, online reputation management and various forms of advertising. Regardless of the specific type of marketing, they all have the same goal: to convince someone to contact the office or, in simpler terms, to bring in a patient.


In this article, I’ll outline ways to optimize your front desk to increase practice revenue.  


Measuring the patient experience: Lessons from other industries

Terrific article from McKinsey


A comprehensive approach health systems can use to better understand the patient experience and thereby improve patient satisfaction.


For hospitals and health systems, patient satisfaction is likely to become an increasingly important source of competitive advantage. Yet many providers cannot measure the patient experience comprehensively, an important first step in improving it.


Read more: http://healthcare.mckinsey.com/measuring-patient-experience-lessons-other-industries

What’s New? Survey Response Alerts

January 2015

Rund Button showing alarm bell

Here at Insight, we’re always looking for new ways to help our clients to make the most of their Patient Experience Feedback surveys.

We recently completed a software upgrade that includes a new feature – “Survey Response Alerts”.

This option provides our clients with an email alert, automatically notifying them immediately when a new patient response is logged on their survey.

This means they can then use their secure, unique Access Portal to view the response information promptly and take appropriate action, if required.

Talk to us if you’d like to know more about our customised, Web-enabled Patient Experience solutions and how they can benefit your practice and your patients.


August, 2015.

The Beryl Institute has just published a report on its biennial benchmarking study on The State of Patient Experience 2015. The entire 24 page report is available here: http://www.theberylinstitute.org/?page=PXBenchmarking2015

In this article, we have summarised the key findings and data contained in the report that are of particular relevance for medical practices and clinics (excluding hospitals and long-term care facilities).

Defining patient experience.
The findings identified several concepts and recommendations to consider with regards to the definition of patient experience. First, the patient experience reflects occurrences and events that happen independently and collectively, across the continuum of care. Also, it is important to move beyond results from surveys, for example, those that specifically capture concepts such as ‘patient satisfaction’ because patient experience is more than satisfaction alone. Embedded within patient experience is a focus on individualized care and tailoring of services to meet patient needs and engage them as partners in their care. Next, the patient experience is strongly tied to patients’ expectations and whether they were positively realized (beyond clinical outcomes or health status).

Patient experience remains a top priority.

Top drivers remain leadership across levels; roadblocks remain competing priorities and resistance.

Staff development and culture change efforts are top areas of investment with an increasing focus on patient engagement.

Structures for addressing patient experience widely present, organisational definition still lags.

Senior patient experience leadership and staff investment growing.
More than half of the respondents in every segment reported having a senior leader for patient experience, someone with accountability or primary responsibility for leading experience efforts.

Mandates and leadership desire continue to lead as motivating factors in addressing patient experience while priorities are evolving.
Top drivers remain leadership across levels; roadblocks remain competing priorities and resistance.

Staff development and culture change efforts are top areas of investment with an increasing focus on patient engagement.
Patient experience now recognized for the outcomes it drives, not just the practices it comprises.
When we step back again to the idea that experience from a patient and family perspective is all they encounter in care –in the clinical setting, transition points and the spaces in between – experience itself then becomes the primary systemic driver of overall outcomes.

The consumer is speaking: patient experience matters.
For the first time, in 2015 we asked a question for and from the consumer perspective on two key variables. We asked to what extent patient experience was important to consumers in healthcare and how significant experience would be in making healthcare decisions. The results were overwhelming.
Almost 90% responding from the consumer perspective said patient experience was extremely important. This reflects a growing awareness of the consumers’ role as active participant and partner versus a traditionally passive perspective.

To underline this importance, consumers also offered patient experience would be extremely significant to their healthcare decisions almost 70% of the time while almost the remaining respondents acknowledged it would have some significance. The bottom line: 95% of individuals said that experience matters not just in the moment, but as they make choices for the future.

“Being cognizant of the power and reach of patient experience and then acting with intent and purpose may be the greatest commitment to be made to healthcare today.”

What’s your Net Promoter Score?


The Net Promoter System has been a marketing buzzword used in customer research for some time. Whilst it’s bandied about a lot, not too many people fully understand what it is, how it works and why it may be important to their business.

Essentially, the NPS is standardised way to measure the likelihood that your customers would recommend your business to friends and colleagues. Based on a rating scale of 1 to 10, responses are categorised into 3 groups: “Promoters”, “Passives”, and “Detractors”. By calculating the ratio of responses, we come up with a single metric (a score out of 100), which is your Net Promoter Score.

NPS range

Why is this so valuable?
Well firstly, if you track your NPS over time, it will provide an excellent overall guide as to how well you’re satisfying the needs and wants of your customers, and alert you to the impact of any operational or administrative changes you make.

Secondly, because NPS is a standardised scoring mechanism, you can benchmark your score against other operations in the same industry group, which use the NPS methodology. There are a number of research companies that can provide this industry data.

They love us

If you’d like to know more about NPS, here’s a link to a short video tutorial, provided by Satmetrix, who were the co-founders of the system.

For more information about setting up a web-enabled Patient Experience Feedback survey for your practice, contact Kerry Bielik via email: info@insightpss.com.au